You are starting to recognize a longing in your heart to develop the spiritual side of yourself. You’ve been part of religious organizations and they’ve helped you to understand facets of faith, but you are feeling like you want to go deeper.

Spiritual Longing

Faith looks so easy as some live it out and talk about it.  Not so much for you.  You have hard questions. Hurts. Disappointments.  Pain and suffering. You aren’t quite sure how to integrate those experiences with your understanding and experiencing of God.  You feel too broken, too unsure, too confused, and too unqualified to be a person who has a strong and intimate relationship with God. 

You’ve tried church. You’ve tried religion. You’ve read books. You’ve prayed. You see others thriving in their spirituality, but it’s not happening for you. Faith. A connection with the Creator. Finding a flow and rhythm to your spiritual life. None of that’s been your experience. Not yet.

You feel stuck and broken.  Forgotten and unqualified. Part of you longs for a deeper connection with your Creator and the healing of your soul. You want to find out what’s blocking a better connection with self, others, and God in the most spiritual sense, and you aren’t sure where to start.  

Starting a Spiritual Journey

We help both the spiritually curious and the spiritually frustrated to find anchors of hope and peace in the rhythms of spiritual practices. Sometimes people can’t find within the context of their religious communities the space to wrestle with their deepest disappointments and greatest sources of pain. 

In our office, clients have the freedom to be exactly where they are without pretending things are better than they are. What we learn together as we embark upon a spiritual journey is our shattered and broken places become entry points for our greatest experiences of supernatural restoration and growth.

We guide clients on their spiritual journey to a place where they accept themselves more, let go of what they can’t control, adopt new rhythms of prayer and solitude, and gain skill in silencing the voice of the inner critic in exchange for a gentler and more compassionate one. 

The path is individualized for each client, taking into consideration client goals as well as one’s spiritual history, life story, and unique strengths. 

Getting Equipped to Keep Going

The most important aspect of our work in soul care is providing clients with  sustainable tools that go with them beyond the therapy experience. As they adopt into their everyday lives the principles of prayer and solitude, rest and community, and compassion toward self and others, they have the foundation for a life journey of wholehearted spirituality. Therapists become obsolete in the very best sense.