
You’ve been told pre-teen and teen years are tough, but nothing could have prepared you for the challenges you’ve faced with your teenager. Lately things have felt worse than normal. You know something is wrong because emotions are everywhere but words are few. When your teenager does talk, even just a little about what’s going on, you aren’t sure how to make sense of it. You’d give just about anything to get your happy, connected, and relaxed kid back.

It’s HARD. 

In the teenage years everything shifts. Kids start feeling pressure in brand new ways and they are also taking on more responsibilities than ever as they approach independence. In this already tumultuous period of development, additional changes, losses, school pressures, and social conflict can be incredibly difficult to navigate. Hence adolescent (10-19) years can be some of the most important yet challenging years for both child and parent. Anxiety, depression, loss, fear, acceptance, sports, social media, and gender identity are just some of the many areas overwhelming kids.

Sometimes teens need tools and a safe space.

As pre-teens and teens go through so many physical, intellectual, personality and social changes, they are also completing the developmental task of separating from their parents in preparation for independence. This in itself can be the cause of much of the anxiety surrounding our teens. So our first goal in our time with your child is to create a safe and supportive environment for connecting and growing. We then collaborate with teens to develop tools for regulating emotions (such as anxiety and anger), communicating, processing difficult events, and making plans for the future.

Soul Care Place wants to partner with you in helping your family and kids.

Before scheduling an appointment we want to provide a 15 minute consultation so you can get to know us and decide about our partnering with you for this short chapter of your family’s story. We are also happy to answer any questions you might have.