You’ve worked really hard all of your life to get where you are today. Hitting the expected milestones in school, career, relationships, and all that’s part of this life journey, you are pretty surprised by how unfulfilled and off you feel. Something must be missing if the life you have worked hard to create is now the life you are living, yet you are struggling this much.
Anxiety out of nowhere.
You feel terrible even complaining when you know that so many people have it so much harder and they have it so much worse.. The feeling that something is broken, and life’s spun out of control has taken you by surprise. At the most random moments you battle what you think could be panic attacks with a racing heart and trouble catching your breath. When your head hits the pillow at night, and you are ready for a good night’s sleep, your mind seems to wake up and start churning with what didn’t go right in a relationship or didn’t get done at work or school.
You know something is missing, but you aren’t sure what it is.
It’s not making sense to you that you are struggling to get through your days- you feel like you have a good life. You feel that you should be happy every day -but you shift from numb autopilot, to anxious and overwhelmed, to feeling like there’s nothing very meaningful about your day to day life . . . work, the gym, scrolling, connecting with a few friends, streaming shows, and calling it day.
Soul Care Place has therapists who can help
We will guide you on your journey out of confusion and anxiety to a place of clarity and peace of mind. The path is tailor made to your needs and unique strengths. We'll start by learning how to honor the design of the human body, and how to hack the parasympathetic nervous system for a greater sense of well-being and calm.
In our unique process you will learn about your body and how to lean into its natural rhythms and functioning to create rest and calm. You'll also learn the practical skills of creating boundaries around self and time so that you come back to quality rhythms of self-care and a greater connection with Self and others.
The best part of what we do is give you portable tools and hacks that you can use independently of the therapy room. The therapy experience will be a short chapter of your life while what you gain through the experience will equip you for your fulfilling life ahead.